Adrenocortex Stress Profile

The Adrenocortex Stress Profile is a convenient, noninvasive salivary assay that evaluates the bioactive levels and interrelationship of the body’s important stress hormones, cortisol and DHEA. This profile serves as an insightful tool for uncovering biochemical imbalances that can be associated with anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, obesity, dysglycemia, and a host of other clinical conditions.

IgG Food Antibody Assessment

IgG Food Antibody Assessment is a food sensitivity test which helps identify those with true IgE-mediated allergies as well as IgG-mediated food sensitivities. This immunological food sensitivity test measures IgG antibody levels to 87 foods, and total IgE. Additional sensitivity tests are also available for regional inhalants, molds, vegetables, and spices. This antibody food sensitivity test is ideal for patients who may suffer from delayed reactions/sensitivities to specific foods. It may also provide insight on intolerances, or non-immune responses, to certain foods. Additionally, the IgG Food Antibody Assessment includes information on implementing an Elimination Diet based on the patient test results.

Metabolic Analysis Profile

The Metabolic Analysis Profile specifically tests for organic acids – compounds in the urine that are metabolic byproducts of cellular metabolism.

  • Levels of organic acids in the urine can indicate insufficient cofactor micronutrients for critical enzymes that are needed in metabolic pathways.
  • Dysfunctional or insufficient enzyme activity in metabolic pathways can produce an “enzymatic block,” causing the organic acids preceding the block to accumulate and spill into the urine.
  • Traditionally, urinary organic acid assessment is used in neonatal/pediatric medicine to identify genetic inborn errors of metabolism, with severity depending on the degree and type of error.
  • In many cases of genetic inborn errors, the enzymatic defect may be compensated for by high doses of specific vitamin and mineral cofactors and/or dietary interventions. Biochemist Dr. Bruce Ames, an expert in DNA mutations, explains this mechanism:
    • “Our analysis of metabolic disease that affects cofactor binding, particularly as a result of polymorphic mutations, may present a novel rationale for high-dose vitamin therapy, perhaps hundreds of times the normal dietary reference intake (DRI) in some cases … Feeding high doses of the vitamin raises the tissue cofactor concentrations and thereby increases the activity of the defective enzyme.” Ames, BN, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002;75:616-58.
  • By assumption, intervention with higher-dose nutrient cofactors may also be effective in cases of decreased enzyme activity due to causes other than frank inborn errors.
  • The metabolic pathways may be compromised in more subtle ways by common lifestyle and dietary factors, such as nutrient deficiencies, toxicity, bacterial overgrowth, or drug effects, and may be associated with symptoms such as:
    • Mood Disorders
    • Fatigue
    • Digestive Complaints
    • Weight issues/Dietary Guidance
  • Based on known metabolic pathways and enzyme-cofactor requirements, organic acids testing with the Metabolic Analysis Profile evaluates:
    • Metabolic Analysis Markers
      • Malabsorption Markers
      • Bacterial Dysbiosis Markers
      • Yeast/Fungal Dysbiosis Markers
    • Cellular Energy & Mitochondrial Metabolites
      • Carbohydrate Metabolism
      • Energy Metabolism
      • Fatty Acid Metabolism
    • Neurotransmitter Metabolites
    • Vitamin Markers
    • Toxin & Detoxification Markers
    • Tyrosine Metabolism

NutrEval FMV

NutrEval is the most comprehensive nutritional evaluation and is designed to assist with management of symptoms related to nutritional deficiencies. This profile assesses numerous metabolic pathways and synthesizes this complex biochemistry into actionable treatment options. Critical nutrients that are functionally assessed on the nutritional profiles include:

  • Antioxidants
  • B Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Essential Fatty Acids
  • Digestive Support

The personalized supplement recommendations, adjusted for the age and sex of the patient, guide therapeutic protocols in identifying clinical imbalances that may inhibit optimal health.

Studies suggest that even a balanced diet may not provide all essential nutrients. NutrEval supports assessment of a patient’s nutritional needs by identifying nutritional deficiencies that may be associated with complex chronic conditions.

The Complete NutrEval FMV Offers:

  • Metabolic Analysis Markers (urine organic acids)
    • Malabsorption and Dysbiosis Markers
      • Malabsorption Markers
      • Bacterial Dysbiosis Markers
      • Yeast/Fungal Dysbiosis Markers
    • Cellular Energy & Mitochondrial Metabolites
      • Carbohydrate Metabolism
      • Energy Metabolism
      • Fatty Acid Metabolism
    • Neurotransmitter Metabolites
    • Vitamin Markers
    • Toxin & Detoxification Markers
    • Tyrosine Metabolism
  • Urine Amino Acid Analysis
    • Nutritionally Essential Amino Acids
    • Nonessential Protein Amino Acids
    • Intermediary Metabolites
    • Dietary Peptide Related Markers
  • Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids
    • Omega 3 Fatty Acids
    • Omega 6 Fatty Acids
    • Omega 9 Fatty Acids
    • Saturated Fatty Acids
    • Monounsaturated Fats
      • Omega 7 Fats
      • Trans Fat
    • Delta-6 Desaturase Activity
    • Cardiovascular Risk – featuring key ratios: Omega 6/Omega 3, AA/EPA, and the Omega 3 Index
  • Oxidative Stress Markers
    • Glutathione (whole blood)
    • Lipid Peroxides (urine)
    • 8-OHdG (urine)
    • Coenzyme Q10 (plasma)
  • Elemental Markers
    • Nutrient Elements
      • Copper
      • Magnesium
      • Manganese
      • Potassium
      • Selenium
      • Zinc
    • Toxic Elements
      • Lead
      • Mercury
      • Antimony
      • Arsenic
      • Cadmium
      • Tin

Biote Probiotic

This supplement is intended to support digestive health. When you take the BioTE Probiotic supplement, the resulting digestive support can impact the effectiveness of many biological systems throughout the body. BioTE Probiotic is especially known for helping people optimize their energy levels and digestive regularity.

Improved digestion may improve the production and recirculation of hormones, such as estrogen, throughout the body. A more efficient internal flora within the body can help improve the stability of hormone levels as well as the production of more hormones.

Biote DIM

Diindolylmethane is derived from cruciferous vegetables, ie cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, and broccoli. DIM is beneficial for both testosterone and estrogen metabolism. A portion of testosterone is metabolized into estrogen. Estrogen metabolism in both men and women results in the production of “good”/ beneficial compounds or “bad”/ detrimental compounds. DIM promotes the pathway that produces the “good” metabolites which actually provide protection for the heart, brain, breast, and prostate.

Biote ADK

This supplement is intended to support bone health. When you take the BioTE A.D.K supplement, many biological systems throughout the body are impacted. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant which may help support immune health. Vitamin D is reported to lower cholesterol and may improve absorption of calcium. Vitamin K is known for helping with blood circulation. The combination of these vitamins can have a hormone stabilization effect that, in tandem with bio-identical hormone replacement pellet therapy, can be life-changing.

Thorne (Methyl-Guard Plus)

Methyl-Guard Plus contains higher amounts of 5-MTHF (the active form of folate), pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (active B6), and methylcobalamin (active B12) than our original Methyl-Guard. It also has added riboflavin 5′-phosphate (the active form of vitamin B2) for its positive effect on homocysteine metabolism and methylation. These ingredients provide the necessary nutrients the body uses for methylation.

Methylation – the addition of a methyl group (CH3 – one carbon attached to three hydrogens) to another molecule – is an essential and vital biochemical process within the human body that is involved in a large number of biochemical pathways involving neurotransmitters, detoxification, cardiovascular health, eye health, muscle health, bone health, and redox balance.

Iodine Plus

The Biote Iodine Plus supplement contains a patented complex that enhances bioavailability of several nutrients which are critical to health.  These include potassium iodine, zinc, selenium, potassium and free iodine.  The ingredients used in the Biote Iodine Plus supplement are high-grade and formulated to help you experience optimal health.

Other supplements and expanded labs are available based on patient’s needs.